Answering Service for Construction Contractors

3 years ago

Construction companies could benefit from hiring call answering services. Whether you work in heavy construction or as a building contractor, your business requires you to own a mobile office. The chances of missing phone calls are high. A missed call translates to a missed opportunity, customer loss, and a strained relationship with your suppliers.

Therefore, avoid losing opportunities and customers and free up your busy schedule. Hire an answering service today and enjoy various benefits like a 24/7/365 representation, save the money you spend hiring and training receptionists, improve your reputation and earn your business more referrals. But before hiring the service for your office, consider an answering service company with trained representatives able to schedule appointments, conduct follow-up calls, and answer basic questions.

Save on Equipment and Receptionist Staffing Costs

Hiring a new employer is adding new expenses to the existing bills. But once you hire an answering service for your construction company, you will first free yourself and focus more on profit-driven activities. As a construction contractor, your time is critical, and an answering service buys you the time.

When you hire one full-time receptionist (40 hours a week), you may end up spending many dollars in wages, allowances Spanish-speaking and creating a rental space for him/her. Additional costs arising from hiring the receptionist include costs on furniture, utilities, office supplies, and equipment.

When you consider employing the receptionist, you will also take much time for the recruitment process; you will also spend additional time finding their coverage if the new employer cannot fit in your office due to personal reasons or weather. You might find it challenging if the new employer decides to quit the business immediately. But to skip all these, you need to hire a contracting answering service for your business.

Earn Yourself More Referrals Earn Yourself More Referrals

Earn Yourself More Referrals

Nowadays, referrals are the top resource for new leads, and an answering service will help you achieve new leads. Your clients will refer their friends to your office if they are satisfied with your services. But remember, customer satisfaction starts from how their calls are handled throughout they receive the services they are seeking. Then an answering service will make your new and existing clients feel happy and free to refer their family members and friends.

Improve Professional Reputation

Managing reputation is crucial when starting or building a contracting business since what you say matters through your customer’s perception. It means if you claim your business values customer service when you can’t back it up, it will be of no benefit.

The answering service must answer every call immediately and handle the calls with empathy, dedication, and enthusiasm despite the clients making their calls. The experts behind the answering service don’t have conferences or meetings, meaning they can spend much time helping your new and existing clients. The service might turn the unhappy clients into satisfied ones, making them refer to their friends and family members.

Have a Professional Image for Your Construction Business

The image of your business is essential, especially when it comes to acquiring the most lucrative jobs. Managing your business from your cell phone not only wastes your time but lowers efficiency and productivity. More importantly, your business will lack a professional representation of a high-end company. However, with well-trained experts manning your incoming calls, your business will appear more professional and larger even when it’s a one-person operation.

Enjoy 24/7 Customer Service

A call answering service works every time, no matter the day or year. Although construction activities occur during working hours, crises and contract agreements may arise at any time. Should an opportunity present itself, you want to have an active answering service for quick interaction and consultation. It means your clients will be able to reach your business any time they most require your services.

Have Customer Satisfaction

For your construction business to succeed, you must satisfy your clients. That’s why you want to hire a contractor answering service due to its capability to represent your business perfectly. First, you need to make a first impression. The answering service has highly skilled and trained operators at the call centers. The operators have experience on what to advise and provide polite services which will attract more clients and maintain the existing clients.

As a contractor, you may gain a significant portion of profits because of referrals. With the 24/7 service in your business, the clients will be happy with your business. Your clients will even share the information with their friends and thus increase the profits from your construction business. The contractor answering service will focus more on your construction needs making the business stand among others.

Eliminate the Burden of Absences, Performance Monitoring, Hiring or Training Employees

As a contractor, you might have a subcontractor working under you. Sometimes your business might comprise a team of workers like plumbers. Then controlling the team might cause both financial and physical barriers. The time and money you spend monitoring whether the receptionist is doing their job well and happily are time-consuming. By hiring a contracting answering service, you will do away with all the stress added by employing a receptionist’s

Increase the Productivity of Your Construction Team

According to recent studies, phone calls are among the most distractions workers face in their workplaces. A contracting answering service isn’t another problem, either. If your workflow is interrupted, it will break your work momentum. Again, if you and your team receive endless calls, you might seriously impact the business's productivity. However, an active answering service will handle all the incoming calls and forward the crucial calls if possible.

Have a Better Control Over Your Client’s Requests

If you don’t have anyone to handle the incoming calls, you may be forced to do so by yourself when you are in the middle of your job, thus disrupting your activities. It might be challenging to keep tabs with critical information like supplies for your construction company. But with an answering service, you will receive organized details every day.

Handle Your Clients at Times of Disaster

Sometimes your construction area might be affected by natural disasters like flooding. At this time, the clients will keep making calls to reach you without knowing about the disaster. Sometimes your construction business might be forced to close because of a natural disaster. With an answering service on your side, the experts will receive your client calls and ensure the communications continue regardless of the disaster.

Focus More of Your Business

Imagine how much you would yield without the distractions which arise from the ringing calls. Remember, as mentioned above, each time you pick an incoming call to manage receptionist work takes your time, you could invest in the critical aspects of your business. An answering service will cater to all these and ensure you focus on your business.

Make Call Recording a Viable Option for Your Business

Call recording comes with numerous advantages. First, you will keep records of all the information you might forget to write down or lose after the phone call. Again, if your construction business is small, you will have limited resources for your business, but recording the incoming calls will be a vital step in your business. Then consider hiring a contracting answering service for your business. The experts will record all the incoming calls for future reference and easily track the record as it is.

No More Missed Calls

As mentioned above, any incoming call you missed might be a missed opportunity. Sometimes the incoming call might find you busy, and the time you try to call back will discover the client has called another contractor. It means you have lost potential money you would have otherwise secured if you had an answering service for your mobile office.

Having the contracting answering service means you will never miss a call or the call goes unanswered. Again, during busy times, the service will handle the unexpected incoming calls, thus no more loss of the potential clients.

Enjoy a Free Trial

Sometimes you may not be sure about the call answering service for your business. Again you may want to test the effectiveness of the service before hiring them. Most contracting call answering services offer a free trial. The offer is made especially for the new construction businesses. As a new contractor, you know how expensive it might be to run a new construction business due to the huge expenses from the employers and furniture. The free trial then means you will measure whether the call answering service will improve the productivity of your construction business. If you notice a significant impact from the call center, you may make an effort to hire the company and begin working with them for better results.

Do More Than Just Answering the Incoming Calls

Directing and answering phone calls is the primary role of the service. However, the experts in the call centers can do more services. Most answering services have trained professionals qualified to do much from the provision of primary customer support to processing payments. They provide services safely and securely following your business's internal regulations. The service will free much time allowing your construction team to focus on the business's crucial tasks. Apart from answering your calls, the services provide the following services:

Answering Basic Questions

When a new customer calls your construction office/company, they may ask you several essential questions like your office or company located? When do customers visit your Office? The respondent has to give clear feedback to the calling clients. Sometimes the contracting answering service will guide the clients to search for more information about your office through your business website. When the response seems unclear, the client may opt to call another contractor and offer him/her the contract. But, if your mobile office has an active contracting call answering service, the experts will answer these basic questions on your behalf.

Appointment Scheduling

Most times, the incoming calls involve appointment setting. The client may call to know when he/she has to visit your office. Then the answering service will help you schedule the appointment. The experts have reminders and always keep in touch with the clients to ensure the appointments are not skipped. If the client decides to skip the appointment due to health issues, the service professionals will help them reschedule the appointment and inform you.

Call Forwarding

Sometimes you may want to receive important phone calls right away. An answering service can do this for you. You only need to inform the expert behind the service about the calls you want to receive right away. Since the answering service team consists of experts, they won’t forget or fail to forward the calls you think are the most important ones.

Provide Bilingual Services to Your Clients

You might not know the origin of your clients, but the most important thing is to meet their needs. As a contractor, you may have Spanish-speaking clients. Thus if you don’t know the Spanish language, you may end up losing the clients. But you may retain them if you work with a contracting answering service that provides bilingual services.

In the United States, the country has the second largest population of Spanish-speaking people. It means you will have a probability to meet the Spanish clients seeking your services. If your answering service provides bilingual services, the experts will communicate with the client and work with your office using the help of the answering service experts. Their calls will be answered by professionals, friendly and make the appointments in fluent Spanish or English depending on the caller's preference.

Find an Answering Service for Construction Contractors Near Me

As a construction contractor, potential and existing clients need to reach you at all times. So, this is why you want to employ an answering service for your construction business. The service will be beneficial to your business whether you are a new firm or an existing one.

Hiring an answering service will give you an advantage over your competition and keep your business ahead of your competitors. Remember, an answering service might make the difference between the failure and success of your construction contracting firm. If you don’t have an answering service, then make an effort and save your company from missing more opportunities and customers.

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